

Yep. That's about right. This phrase sums me up in oh so few words. 

I'm a Georgia peach who loves family, friends and manners. I grew up on a chicken farm in rural Georgia....this is truth, my friends.

Chewy candy will be my ultimate demise. My athletic frame leaves clothes a bit tricky to find. I love to laugh, talk trash on the basketball court, take naps on Sunday afternoons, and always kiss my hubby goodnight.

I love hard, play hard, cry at movies hard and just might be the silliest girl you know. And you ain't got nothing on my version of Bonnie Raitt's "Something to Talk About." 

Oh yes! And I'm a host. I am inspired by others and their stories. I've lived entertainment, as an actress, and now I love to talk about it. 

I also do commercial work, hosting and reporting for various companies and shows nationwide. You'll find me digging in deep on all things self-help, seeking the best information on preventative nutrition, and trying to ward off the aging process, as best I can, with the latest beauty trends.

If you like feisty, ethnically ambiguous, southern girls with manners...you've made it to the right site. Hang out with me a while.

With love, 
